Caldwell Canyon mine project wins approval
A Record of Decision released by the Idaho Falls District Bureau of Land Management Thursday clears the path for the Caldwell Canyon Mine Project.
The open pit phosphate mine is located in Caribou County.
P4, a subsidiary of Bayer, would develop three phosphate leases on Schmidt Ridge, about 13 miles east-northeast of Soda Springs. The leases grant exclusive rights to the lease owner to develop phosphate minerals in accordance with an approved mine plan.
According to the Bureau of Land Management, the Caldwell Canyon mine operation would be similar to those at P4’s Blackfoot Bridge Mine and supply phosphate ore to the Soda Springs production plant. The plan includes requirements for a combination of earthen cover and selected areas of geo-synthetic cover (synthetic products to stabilize terrain) over the mine waste rock to meet water quality standards.
BLM officials said the mine is a vital part of the Idaho economy and means decades of additional job security and economic development for Soda Springs and other local communities.
“We are very pleased to bring the planning for the Caldwell Canyon phosphate mine to completion,” said BLM Idaho state director John Ruhs. “This project is a terrific example of the BLM’s commitment to sustainably developing natural resources for the benefit of the American people.”
BLMS said the project would sustain 185 mining jobs and 585 plant jobs for an additional 40 years. It would also provide $47 million annually in payroll, taxes, royalties, and purchases.
The decision becomes official after the close of a 30-day appeal-filing period.
You can find more details here.