Fuel reduction projects planned east of Palisades Reservoir
Caribou-Targhee National Forest and Bonneville County Emergency Management are preparing to launch two fuel reduction projects within the Flatiron Hollow area and lands east of Palisades Reservoir.
Based on the Bonneville County Community Wildfire Protection Plan, both areas are considered high risk because of heavy fuel loading, limited defensible space, narrow roads, steep terrain, and overall inaccessibility.
The projects will reduce fuel loading in both areas where they are adjacent to private land.
The Swan Valley Fire Station, just off Highway 31, will host an open house Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. to discuss the projects. Both would include using prescribed fire, mechanical fuel reduction, and commercial timber removal.
Most of the private land in the two areas falls outside of any designated fire protection district. But, through an agreement with the state of Idaho, the U.S. Forest Service is responsible for wildland fire on forest private property in the areas.
People who own property or live in a subdivision adjacent to the Forest Service lands east of Palisades Reservoir may be eligible for assistance to reduce hazardous fuels or vegetation on their property. A Bonneville County representative will be on hand at the open house to help people interested in participating.