Pacific Northwest kids encouraged to enter radon poster contest

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - Kids across the Northwest are encouraged to use their creativity to raise awareness about the dangers of radon gas by participating in the 2024 Northwest Radon Poster Contest.
Poster designs will help educate about radon and encourage people to test for radon in their homes.
Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, naturally occurring radioactive gas that can build up in homes no matter how old they are. Long-term radon exposure is the number one cause of lung cancer among people who don’t smoke and the second leading cause of lung cancer among people who do smoke. Northwest kids can help spread the word about the importance of testing for radon, which could help save lives.
Contest information
Kids ages 9 to 14 living in Idaho, Oregon and Washington can participate in the poster contest. Students enrolled in a public, private, territorial, tribal, Department of Defense, or home school, or kids who are members of a sponsoring club, such as a scouting, art, computer, science or 4-H club are eligible to participate. All participants will learn about radon and how to reduce exposure.
Only one entry per person is allowed and posters must be submitted by Feb. 28, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Winners will be notified by March 28, 2024. Find contest submission forms, lesson plans, and rules at the Northwest Radon Poster Contest website.
Prizes for first ($100), second ($75), and third ($50) places will be awarded to kids from each state. A regional grand prize of $300 will be awarded, and first-place posters from each state will be submitted to the 2025 National Radon Poster Contest.