Fire truck picks up little boy from daycare

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - Wearing a fireman costume earned one little boy in Idaho Falls a surprise sweet ride to match his new gear.
Three-year-old Joseph won the Idaho Falls Fire Department costume contest that was held online. His prize was getting a ride around the block with the heroic team, including Sparky the Fire Dog.
Joseph got a front-row seat of the action, soaking up every minute and his parents also got to join in on the action.
Joseph's mom Grace Latham said he was given the option to dress up as either a pirate or a fireman and went with his desired future profession.
“This is like a dream come true for him. He loves fireman, he loves fire trucks. He wants to be a fireman when he grows up. So being able to ride on the fire truck today was amazing," Latham said.
The winner of the Idaho Falls Police Department was five-year-old officer Macy, she was surprised on Thursday with a ride home from school in a police car.