Katie Bell
When you have to use both hands to count the number of extracurrucular activities a student is involved in, you know she’s a high achiever. That’s certainly the case with the week’s United Dairymen of Idaho Distinguished Student award recipient – Katie Bell from Highland High School.
One of the activities Katie is involved in is orchestra, where she plays the violin.
“I love the violin because music is just an escape and I don’t have to worry about any of my classes or anything else when I’m playing music,” Katie says.
The violin has long been a part of Katie’s life.
“I love music. It’s something that I have grown up with,” Katie says.
Music is just one of many activities Katie is involved in at Highland.
“I’m in the orchestra, the high school orchestra, and senior choir, and I was a member of the speech and debate team for two years, and I’m also an NHS member, and Junior Civitan and Interact,” Katie says.
So why get involved in so many activities?
“Life is a lot more rewarding and a lot more exciting when I can meet all sorts of different types of people, and get to know all different ways to do things,” Katie says.
The academic part of high school is also important to Katie. She has straight A’s. But for Katie, it’s about more than just the grade.
“Nothing is accptable if I’m not doing the best I can, and it’s just something that I have always done,” she says. “I like to succeed and I like to give my best effort at everything. I don’t like to do shoddy work.”