ISP reminds drivers to clear windows, roof of snow

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - A fresh blanket of snow may not be so welcome to the driver who woke up late. But even during crunch time, officers ask that you clear off your car.
Not scraping the snow or ice completely from your windshield or windows can result in a ticket.
“My troopers, when they see people driving around with windows that aren’t cleared, they will stop you and you could get a $67 fine if you don’t clear them off properly,” said Lt. Mike Winans, with Idaho State Police.
Plus, partial visibility can make dangerous roads even more risky.
“It’s been a few years ago, I remember we had a pretty serious injury crash in one of our smaller towns in our district. Someone hadn’t cleared their windows off and they ran over a pedestrian,” Lt. Winans said.
Even in certain conditions, a thin sheet of snow on the roof of a car can turn into a freak accident. Check out this flying ice frisbee that almost caused a serious accident on a freeway.
Even when we're running late, taking the extra time to clear off a car can mean saving a headache, a ticket, or even a life.