Jackson approves emergency mask ordinance
JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI/KIDK)-The Jackson Town Council has approved an emergency ordinance requiring people to wear cloth face coverings in public places.
You can read the full ordinance here.
Teton County Public Health Officer, Dr. Travis Riddell, has asked the state to approve a similar public health order, which would apply to all of Teton County. County health orders must be approved by the Wyoming’s State Health Officer. The county had not heard whether its request was being approved.
Councilman Arne Jorgensen stated, “The state is struggling with this just like we are and has been supportive in increasing our local infrastructure to manage infections with testing materials and contact tracing.”
The town council approved a resolution earlier this week, then scheduled the formal vote on a written resolution Friday afternoon.
The resolution requires “a covering made of cloth, fabric, or other soft or permeable material…that covers the nose, mouth and surrounding areas of the lower face.”
Face Coverings can be factory or handmade or improvised from scarves, ski masks, or other household materials. Wearing face coverings reduces the transmission of the COVID-19 virus by limiting the presence of infected respiratory droplets in the environment, which can be deposited even if individuals shedding the virus do not feel sick. Cloth face coverings are most useful as a preventative measure when compliance is high.