Public land closures to protect wildlife

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-Wildlife managers with the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Upper Snake Bureau of Land Management have temporarily closed the Stinking Springs area near the South Fork of the Snake River through the winter. The area will be closed to motorized vehicles and human entry in order to support wildlife survival rates.
The annual closure takes effect December 15 and will remain in effect through sunrise May 1, 2021 depending on weather conditions.
“Increasing human activity in the Stinking Springs area creates additional stress on the fragile mule deer that winter there, requiring them to use up their supply of stored winter fat more quickly,” said Jeremy Casterson, BLM Upper Snake Field Manager. “We appreciate the public’s help every year in avoiding this area to help protect these sensitive animals.”
The annual Egin-Hamer Closure will also be extended by a couple of weeks this year. That closure area includes nearly 500 square miles of BLM land and makes it off-limits to human entry in order to protect wintering deer, elk, and moose.
Restrictions at Egin-Hamer begin January 1, 2021 and continue through April 1 south of the Egin-Hamer Road and until sunrise on May 1 north of it.
Other BLM lands in the vicinity of Stinking Springs are also subject to seasonal closures. The U.S. Forest Service also closes national forest lands during the winter.
Outdoor enthusiasts should check with agency offices for winter travel plan maps before venturing into the back country.