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Free clinic in Rexburg is helping more patients than ever

Rexburg free clinic exam room
Rexburg free clinic exam room

REXBURG, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - Free community clinics only became a reality in the upper valley last May. That's when the Rexburg Free Clinic opened its doors.

Turning an idea into reality involved the whole community according to the clinic's chief medical officer, Andy Bradbury, "We have had a great community effort. This really does not have financing. It's all through volunteer efforts and donations."

Community members donated everything, from chairs to exam tables, to the space itself in the basement of the Madison School District's office building. The clinic has been able to become what it is today because of volunteers who give time and all the donations.

"We set this clinic up on purpose, to not do any financial testing of people, we pretty much will take anyone who comes and says that they need help," Bradbury said.

Rexburg Free Clinic offers both physical and mental health services. Most visits are by appointment only, patients just need to call the clinic to get set up with an appointment with the right doctor for their need.

"With doing the free clinic and with the volunteerism that comes here we see the sense of service and gratitude both come out and I think it just makes all of us better people," Bradbury said.

The clinic continues to grow by the week with new improvements and availability. Supporters say it's become a community made gem that helps those in need.

"In the beginning, we were really working on creating even exam rooms and getting the necessary items to be able to even have an exam, and now we're at the point that we have a wonderful crew from BYU Idaho and we have service projects every Monday and Saturday," said the clinics president, Anna Bjornn.

For more information on the clinic and book an appointment, click here.

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Jilliana Colina


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