IFFD names Deputy Chief

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-25-year veteran Jon Perry has been named Deputy Chief of Operations for the Idaho Falls Fire Department.
Perry succeeds Deputy Chief Dave Coffey, who stepped down from the post Friday. Perry will begin his new assignment on January 4. Perry has served as the Fire Department's training division chief since 2018.
"It is honor to be selected as the next deputy chief," states Perry. "I look forward to serving in this capacity and contributing to our department's long history of professionalism and community involvement."
As second in command, Perry's duties will include oversight of day-to-day fire operations, and staff supervision. He will also assist Chief Duane Nelson with preparation and administration of the department budget, and strengthening relationships with stakeholders.
Perry began is career as a Johnson County Kansas paramedic in 1996.. He moved to the Overland Park Fire Department in 1999. Perry holds an Associate of Emergency Medicine Degree, a Bachelor of General Education Degree, and a Master of Public Affairs Degree.
"Chief Perry continuously demonstrates a positive leadership style that not only fits our organization but also coincides with the culture we want to foster from within the ranks as well as in the community," said Chief Nelson. "His professional attributes and strong leadership skills are essential as the department continues to grow and evolve."