Seasonal temps today before heat wave
Our seasonal average is around 86 degrees for July. We hit 90 degrees yesterday and will keep temperatures in the mid-to-upper 80's for the afternoon before high pressure continues a dry start to the week and hikes temperatures into the mid-to-upper 90's.
Idaho Falls will be sunny and dry today with a high of 86 and north winds 5-10mph.
Pocatello will fall short of 90 with sunshine and light northerly winds 5-10mph.
Jackson will be around 80 today with bold sunshine.
Lows will be slightly above average from the 50's to lower 60's.
Tomorrow we'll add 10 degrees to afternoon temperatures and highs will be in the 93-95 temperature range for Idaho Falls and 98 for Pocatello. Jackson will be headed to 90 tomorrow.
Jeff Roper, First Alert Weather