Hot hazy winds and storm chances
We're setting the day up to be smoky and hot with a fire weather warning for the central mountains, due to the high winds 25+mph today and the threat of some thunderstorms possibly beginning mid-morning and into Friday. Southwesterly flow puts the pressure on us between systems and winds ramp up and will especially gusty with thunderstorms and clouds covering us later today and tomorrow. Accumulating downpours and showers will put some numbers on rain gauges for a cool down tomorrow.
Today: Sunny/hazy with a chance of storms 30% - Highs in the mid 80's to lower 90's.
Tonight: Mostly cloudy and stormy with windy conditions SW 15-25+ mph and 50's & 60's.
Friday: Stormy, cloudy, windy. 60% chance of scattered hot-rockin' thunderstorms and a drop in temperatures of 10-12 degrees. Mid 80's.
Jeff Roper, First Alert Weather