INL Honors Employee Inventions
Hundreds of Idaho National Lab employees came together in Idaho Falls to celebrate the greatest scientific and engineering achievements of 2011.
The 16th Annual Honors Reception held Friday night by the lab highlighted the role of new technology and inventors who have developed and patented new projects.
Many of them have worked long and hard to license new technology for commercial use.
“This is like INL’s night at the Oscars is how I would describe it,” said INL spokeswoman Misty Benjamin. “Researchers spend years before they see their patents come to life and before they see their technology being commercialized. This is INL’s way of congratulating them on their tremendous success.”
“For me, the most exciting thing has been getting involved in a technology that is new and exciting, and something that can have massive productions,” said INL inventor Jon Christophersen.
Benjamin said 138 researchers submitted work to be patented last year, with 32 patents officially issued.