Police arrest teen linked to vehicle burglaries
The 17-year-old boy police said is responsible for multiple burglaries in Idaho Falls was arrested Wednesday morning.
Police arrested the Idaho Falls teen after they said he was caught breaking into a vehicle in the 800 block of Tiger Avenue.
The suspect has been linked to a dozen or more vehicle break-ins area of Ninth, 10th, 11th and 12th streets between Boulevard and Tiger Avenue.
A resident in the 800 block of Tiger Avenue found the teen in his vehicle, which was parked in a garage, around 4:15 a.m. The resident detained the boy until police arrived.
Police said people should take the following steps to protect themselves from becoming victims of vehicle burglaries:
— Never leave your car running or the keys in the ignition when you’re away from it, even for “just a minute.”
— Always roll up the windows and lock the car, even if it’s in front of your home.
— Never leave valuables in the vehicle. If you must leave them in the vehicle, don’t put them in plain view, even if your car is locked. Put them in the trunk or at least out of sight. Buy radios, tape or CD players that can be removed and locked in the trunk.
— Do not leave keys inside the vehicle at all.
— Park in busy, well-lighted areas.
— Carry the registration and insurance card with you. Don’t leave personal identification documents or credit cards in your vehicle.