Franklin gets drinking water clearance
UPDATE 8/2/19: The City of Franklin said as fo Friday, all test results are absent of E. Coli and total coliforms.
CIty officials say to flush any tap or faucet at your home for a minimum of one minute before drinking or using.
Update: 7-31 1:45 pm.
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has asked the city of Franklin to conduct another round of tests Wednesday before it considers lifting its boil order on the city water system.
Update: 7-31 11:10 am
The city of Franklin says tests of the city’s drinking water system are good.
City officials claim the tests indicate no sign of E. Coli and total coliforms. The results come after three separate testing periods, which all proved negative.
Franklin contends it has done all required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, but IDEQ has not yet lifted its boil order for the city.
Original Story:
People who use water supplied by the city of Franklin are advised to boil water before using it.
Based on water quality tests released Sunday, e. coli bacteria is assumed to be found in the drinking water. The bacteria can make you sick and are a particular concern to people with weakened immune systems.
In a posting to residents, the city said the contamination can occur in run-off water entering the drinking water sources through rain or irrigation. It can also happen due to a break in water distribution system pipes.
The city alert advised not to drink the water without first boiling it for one minute. Boiling kills the bacteria, as well as other organisms in the water.
Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and food preparation until further notice.
Franklin has taken steps to address the problem. City officials said the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality protocol calls for shutting down the water source and continuing 24-7 monitoring. Once the water returns to safe levels, the city will inform residents when they could quit boiling drinking water.
Presence of the bacteria indicates the water may be contaminated with human or animal waste. According to the city, human pathogens can cause short-term effects, including diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. It can pose a greater risk for infants, young children, the elderly, and people with severely compromised immune systems.
Anyone who experiences symptoms should seek medical advice.
The city is asking the public to share information with people who may not have received it, including people living in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses.