Annual Souper Bowl Food Drive underway between Idaho Falls and Skyline High Schools

The following is a news release from Idaho Falls School District 91.
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (D91 News Release)—Idaho Falls School District 91 is once again using the fuel of a great high school rivalry to help feed families in the community. The annual Souper Bowl is a food drive where Idaho Falls High School students and Skyline High School students compete to see which school can collect the most donations. The drive goes from now until Saturday, February 15.
While the food drive is still very much a competition, this year both schools have come together in a spirit of comradery to set a collaborative goal to raise a total of 300,000 cans.
All donations go to the Idaho Falls Community Food Basket. Cash and Venmo donations are encouraged. The Community Food Basket is able to turn every dollar donated into $4 worth of food. Venmo donations can be made at @CFBIdahoFalls. For the sake of the contest, people are asked to indicate which school they are donating on behalf of. Physical donations of canned food may be dropped off at Idaho Falls and Skyline High Schools.
The food drive is part of D91’s efforts to help combat food insecurity in the community. New food pantries open to D91 students and families were recently opened at Emerson Alternative High School and Eagle Rock Middle School. There are also food pantries currently at Dora Erickson Elementary, Skyline High School, and Idaho Falls High School.