Trapper education course offered in Salmon Dec. 17

SALMON, Idaho (KIFI) - Fish and Game will host a trapper education course in Salmon on Saturday, December 17 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Fish and Game Office, 99 Highway 93 North.
The interactive course provides students with hands-on training from experienced trapping instructors. Basic trapping techniques with safety, ethical trapper behavior, and avoiding non-target catches are emphasized throughout. Other topics covered include trapping regulations, equipment selection and maintenance, and pelt preparation.
Advanced registration is required. To register, go online to the Fish and Game website or visit the Fish and Game office in Salmon. Costs is $9.75 online or $8.00 in person. Participants must be at least 9 years of age.
Idaho trappers who purchased their first trapping license after June 30, 2011 are required to attend a mandatory trapper education course before they can purchase a trapping license. However, the trapper education course does not qualify people for the purchase of wolf trapping tags. To trap wolves in Idaho, completion of a wolf trapper course is also required. When registering, please be certain to sign up for the course you actually want to complete.
For more information, contact the Idaho Fish and Game office in Salmon at 208-756-2271.