IDPR accepts public comment on replacement of 2 Heyburn State Park marinas

PLUMMER, Idaho (KIFI) – The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation (IDPR) will be replacing both marinas at Heyburn State Park (Chatcolet and Rocky Point).
The current marinas, cabin docks, and other water encroachments are in a state of age-related deterioration requiring replacement. IDPR has received requests from the public to:
- Increase the number of slips to satisfy growing demand.
- Address environmental concerns due to aging structures, noxious weeds, sedimentation, fish habitat, and shoreline loss.
- Enhance publicly accessible shoreline in the area.
- Rectify the current unsustainable financial model to support upkeep, maintenance, and provide a quality user experience well into the future.
As part of IDPR’s commitment to public outreach and engagement, we welcome your feedback on the marinas, cabin docks, and other water encroachments. To gather your perspective, written feedback is being accepted. You may either email or mail comments to the options below:
Mail: Heyburn Marina Feedback, IDPR North Region Service Center
2885 W. Kathleen Ave., Suite 1, Cour d’Alene, ID 83815
These are the official means for you to provide comments or concerns. In-person, verbal feedback to park or department staff cannot be accepted in order to maintain proper public records. An open house will be held once the designs are available.