Two killed, deputy injured in Cassia County crash

JEROME, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-A Cassia County Sheriff's Deputy was flown to Portneuf Medical Center Saturday, after a head-on crash that left two other people dead.
Idaho State Police investigated the crash, which happened at 4:10 p.m. on Stae HIghway 27, near milepost 3.5, just north of Oakley in Cassia County.
Lawrence Steel, 72, of Gooding, was driving south in a 2008 Chevrolet Uplander. On-duty Deputy Kenny Emery, 37, was driving north in a 2017 Ram 2500 patrol vehicle.
ISP said Steel and his passenger, Nadine Steel, 69, of Gooding both died at the accident scene. Emergy was transported by air ambulance to Portneuf Regional Medical Center.
The highway was blocked for about four hours. The crash is still under investigation.