US-20-I-15 Corridor study enters next phase

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK)-The Idaho Transportation Department has released a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) report analyzing improvements to the Interstate15-US Highway 20 interchange in Idaho Falls.
The PEL is reviewing multi-model connections and capacity improvements to address unsafe travel conditions on both highways, reduce congestion at the current interchange, provide pedestrian and bicycle mobility within the corridor, and addess future travel demand forecasts.
Following a public meeting last August, the report focuses on two alternatives.
Alternative H-2 moves the east-west portion of the new alignment further south, converts US 20, between Grandview Drive and Lewisville Highway to a local street, and re-aligns US 20 and its connection to I-15, which would then be followed by a possible split-diamond interchange at Exits 118 and 119. ITD said the alternative would allow for phased construction and improve traffic operations on all of the I-15 interchanges by separating local and regional through-traffic.

Alternative E-3 would move the Exit 118 and a new I-15/US-20 exit at Olympia Drive further apart. The Olympia Drive exit is further north than the existing Grandview exit. The alternative would convert the current US-20 between Grandview and Fremont Avenue to a local street. It would shorten a new Snake River Bridge crossing and move regional traffic through direct access ramps that to and from US-20. ITD said the alternative would provide more direct access to Idaho Falls Regional Airport and reduce the need to reconstruct the Broadway interchange.

The proposal is now moving into a National Environmental Policy Act review process. That is expected to continue through 2024, assuming projecting funding.
You can review the full PEL report here.