BLM seeks public input on recreation grant applications for the Pocatello area

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI) – The Bureau of Land Management Pocatello Field Office seeks public feedback on two proposed grant requests to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.
The first grant request is for a new vault toilet at the Trail Creek Bridge Campground South. The second grant request is to update the Curlew/Deep Creek Travel Management Map and purchase new route marker materials. As part of the grant request process, public input is essential to prioritize these improvements for the recreating public.
The vault toilet at Trail Creek Bridge Campground South is needed due to increased recreational use on the Blackfoot River including camping, fishing, and non-motorized boating. By installing a toilet at this campground, recreationists would not need to trek 400 meters to use the vault toilet at Trail Creek Bridge Campground North. If this grant is awarded, the vault toilet would be installed in 2025.
The Curlew/Deep Creek Travel Management Plan is roughly ten years old. The travel maps and signs need updates for minor adjustments and corrections for designated routes. If awarded, this grant would provide necessary funds to update the travel management maps and route markers. The new digital and paper maps would be available to the public free of charge. The geo-referenced digital maps could be uploaded on mobile devices. Installing updated route markers and posts would allow the public to identify the designated routes on the ground. If this grant is awarded, work on the updates would start in summer 2024.
“Previous grant funding opportunities through Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation have really benefited the public within the Pocatello Field Office," BLM Outdoor Recreation Planner Chuck Patterson said. “We are requesting funds for these projects to provide services to the public once again.”
Public input regarding the proposed upgrades may be mailed to the BLM Pocatello Field Office, Attn: Chuck Patterson, 4350 Cliffs Drive, Pocatello, ID 83204, or e-mailed to Please contact Chuck Patterson at 208-478-6362 if you would like more information about the grant application. Comments must be received by Jan. 24 to be included in the grant applications.