Officials issue jury scam alert

BANNOCK COUNTY, Idaho (KIFI) - The Bannock County Clerk’s Office has received numerous reports of phone fraudsters threatening prosecution for failing to appear for jury service. These scammers are asking for false fines to be paid with prepaid cards.
Bannock County Clerk Jason Dixon and Bannock County Sheriff Tony Manu want the public to be aware of a few things:
- The 6th Judicial Court, or any court, will never assess a fine or penalty for failing to appear for jury service without first having the person appear before a judge.
- The Bannock County Sheriff’s Office never issues subpoenas or warrants over the phone.
- If someone presents themselves as a Bannock County employee and states you have a legal issue and need to pay a sum of money immediately, they are attempting to scam you.
If you are contacted by someone from Bannock County and you are concerned about the legitimacy of the call:
- Write down the caller’s identity, phone number, and badge number (if impersonating an officer of the law).
- Let the caller know you will hang up and call right back to verify their identity.
- Call our office to verify their name, and if they have indeed contacted you; do NOT call the number they provide you.
Bannock County Phone Numbers:
- Jury Commissioner- 208-236–7334
- Clerk's Office - 208-236-7358
- Sheriff's Office - 208-236-7123