WYDOT reminds skiers to be wary of causing avalanches

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI) - The Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) would like to remind winter recreationalists to be cautious of skiing near Wyoming State Highway 22 on Teton Pass.
Recent storms have brought in new snow for winter activity enthusiasts, but they also bring the potential of dangerous avalanche conditions.
WYDOT maintenance personnel would like to remind skiers to be cautious in and around areas that could cause snow slides that could potentially endanger highway drivers as well as themselves.
“Conditions can change rapidly and it doesn't take much snow movement to affect the highway operations. Very slick running surfaces can be found above the highway at this time which can contribute to avalanche hazard in areas that are not normal. Please evaluate your terrain selection very carefully,” WYDOT Avalanche supervisor Don Lawless said.
Teton Pass drivers are encouraged to sign up for 511 Notify, a messaging system that allows a recipient to receive important messages via text messaging and/or email about road condition information. Subscribers can choose the route segment and time of day for which they are interested in receiving messages. Message information can include openings and closures, special forecasts and road and travel information.
WYDOT would like to remind drivers to remember to obey all roadside signs, traffic control devices and road closures gates.
For more information on road and travel information across Wyoming, visit our web site at www.wyoroad.info. Drivers can sign up for 511 Notify alerts HERE.