Election official: Barely a hint of voting fraud in Idaho

BOISE, Idaho (AP) - There was no evidence of widespread election fraud in Idaho during the Nov. 3 election, state election officials said.
Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck told the Idaho Statesman in a story on Tuesday there were about 14 or 15 reports of potential fraud out among about 880,000 ballots cast.
"The fact that these instances raised some flags is an indicator that the system works, in terms that we were able to see something was off, look at it and try to figure out what's going on," Houck said. "That is not to say there is evidence of 15 instances of fraud, just to make that clear."
Houck said most of the ballots scrutinized will not be fraudulent and will be resolved without problems.
County clerks run the elections and votes tallied in their respective counties, meaning most reports of potential fraud will be resolved locally.
Houck said the only case under examination by the secretary of state's office is of a woman appeared to have requested a ballot in Idaho before registering to vote in California. It's possible the woman used that ballot to vote in Idaho but also voted in California, he said.
President Donald Trump won Idaho's four electoral votes by receiving 64% of the vote and the result has been certified.