Thursday high school scores, March 31
H.S. BASEBALLSkyline 1**Highland 4 **Idaho Falls 9Rigby 2 GAME 1: **Bonneville 7 Hillcrest 6 GAME 2: Bonneville 0**Hillcrest 9 **South Fremont 14…
Continue ReadingH.S. BASEBALLSkyline 1**Highland 4 **Idaho Falls 9Rigby 2 GAME 1: **Bonneville 7 Hillcrest 6 GAME 2: Bonneville 0**Hillcrest 9 **South Fremont 14…
Continue ReadingWhile some places are still dealing with heavy snow fall Idaho Falls was able to dodge Tuesday’s storm. That’s not stopping the city from…
Continue ReadingCreate your own online neighborhood. That’s what the City of Pocatello wants you to do. The city has partnered with the social networking…
Continue ReadingIdaho State University students will now have a tuition lock. Governor Butch Otter announced Thursday about the launch of a tuition lock pilot…
Continue ReadingGov. C.L. “Butch” Otter and Idaho State University have announced the details of a pilot program that would ensure that base tuition…
Continue ReadingThe Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s help to identify a man who they robbed the Walgreen’s at Ammon…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho State Police are investigating a crash on I-15 that sent 4 people to the hospital. Thursday afternoon, at approximately 12:45 p.m., the…
Continue ReadingUpdate 3/31/16 11:00 a.m: New details have been released today about the man who caused an evacuation at the Rexburg Walmart Wednesday. Rexburg…
Continue ReadingIn Pocatello’s Highland area, it’s easy to find some new homes in the making. While the new subdivision is on its way to finish with no…
Continue ReadingA Lewisville man was arrested Wednesday for felony injury to a child and misdemeanor driving under the influence after the 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer…
Continue ReadingH.S. BASEBALLIdaho Falls 2**Blackfoot 12 F/5 Inn. **Hillcrest 11 Bonneville 4 **Highland 2 Skyline 1 **Snake River 3 South Fremont…
Continue ReadingOne in three fatal crashes is due to distracted driving. That’s according to statistics from the Idaho Transportation Department. To try to…
Continue ReadingMovie nights at the Pocatello Veterans Home won’t be quite the same, thanks to a donation of Blu-Ray DVD players from the Blackfoot Elks Lodge.…
Continue ReadingUpdate 6:10 p.m: The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office says that a suspect has been located and apprehended in both the Cabela’s and…
Continue ReadingThe question often asked jokingly about Idaho weather is “What’s considered normal?” One thing state water experts are certain…
Continue Reading“Based on my current medical condition, and my inability to take care of it, without some big changes and the family personal issues that…
Continue ReadingA Rexburg man suffered a knife injury Tuesday night during an alleged robbery. Rexburg Police said the man, a married BYU-Idaho student, was walking…
Continue ReadingRigby Police Department has finished an investigation of an accidental shooting. On March 26, Rigby Police were informed by the Eastern Idaho…
Continue ReadingA Pocatello family escaped injury after an unattended candle caused a fire in a basement room. Firefighters were called to a home at 2139 Diane Lane…
Continue ReadingH.S. BASEBALL**Sugar-Salem 17 West Jefferson 1 F/5…
Continue ReadingTodd Johnson, the director of Idaho State University’s veteran student services center, counsels and works with a lot of student veterans. As a…
Continue ReadingIdaho residents will soon be allowed to carry a concealed handgun without a permit inside city limits. Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter signed on…
Continue ReadingTax season is well and underway and the April 18 filing deadline is just around the corner. It’s not exactly a tax people look forward to, but…
Continue ReadingIt’s the world’s largest online wellness shopping center: Melaleuca. Melaleuca’s CEO, Frank Vandersloot, spoke to ISU business…
Continue ReadingNearly two-thirds of Americans can’t name all three branches of government, but they can name The Three Stooges. Less than half of Americans…
Continue ReadingIdaho State Police are investigating a two vehicle crash on Lindsay Boulevard near the Highway 20 underpass. ISP officers say the driver of the…
Continue ReadingLocal lawmakers are home after the 2016 legislative session ended last Friday. There were successes and frustrations for both political parties. One…
Continue ReadingA new report says a 2014 radiation leak at an Idaho research facility was caused by compromised equipment and faulty air monitors. The report…
Continue ReadingTwo of the missionaries injured in the terror attack in Brussels have returned to Utah for medical treatment. Below is a press release from The…
Continue ReadingZoo Idaho’s 2016 season will get its start this weekend. Saturday, April 2 at 10 a.m. the gates will be opened, officially welcoming visitors…
Continue ReadingSchool District 25 has cancelled bus runs to the Granite and Summit areas around Pocatello because of snowfall. According to district spokesperson…
Continue ReadingWinter weather is blamed for several traffic accidents in Pocatello early Tuesday. Pocatello Fire Chief David Gates said crews responded to three…
Continue ReadingWith another winter storm moving into eastern Idaho, cities across the region are preparing their snow crews in case things get slick. For the most…
Continue ReadingA round of winter-like weather is moving into eastern Idaho and western Wyoming for Monday evening into Tuesday morning. This storm is still expected…
Continue ReadingLast week, video and sounds of the terror attacks in Brussels took center stage in major media outlets. With the attacks claimed by the militant…
Continue ReadingA McDonald’s in Rexburg is honoring a crossing guard killed in a car accident a couple of weeks ago. Fifty-three year-old Kathleen Striffler…
Continue ReadingNo more boating. That’s what anyone looking to get on the waters in Franklin County might hear. The county is on the verge of closing its…
Continue ReadingUpdate 5:50 p.m: Idaho State Police have arrested 19-year-old Serena Zahrn, of Rigby, on charges of possession of drug paraphernalia after she…
Continue ReadingIdaho’s population is growing, especially in the state’s urban areas, as people from the smaller counties are moving to those areas. The…
Continue ReadingThe Ada County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a case of vandalism at the Meridian Temple construction site that happened over the weekend.…
Continue ReadingConstruction crews plan to demolish the old Supervisor’s Office on the Bridger Teton National Forest property in Jackson Tuesday. The building…
Continue ReadingThe Cheyenne Regional Airport has dropped in the rankings for Wyoming commercial passenger traffic, beating only Sheridan and Worland airports in…
Continue ReadingUPDATE: Rocky Mountain Power says it restored all power in Rigby at 9 Sunday night. PREVIOUS: 1,639 customers in Rigby are without power said Rocky…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls Police arrested Ariel C. Murdock, 25, on a warrant for grand theft during a traffic stop Sunday morning. According to reports, Idaho…
Continue ReadingThe Easter bunny first came to America in the 1700’S. Since his origin Easter has become a big event for consumers, but how much money is spent…
Continue ReadingBrigham Young University-Idaho hosted their annual wedding and floral fashion show Saturday where students got the opportunity to showcase their…
Continue ReadingSALT LAKE CITY (AP) – A Utah woman who is part of a polygamous group alleges in a lawsuit that makers of a reality TV show barged into her…
Continue ReadingChilly temperatures and fresh snow didn’t stop kids from hunting Easter eggs. The Portneuf District Library in Chubbuck held its first special…
Continue ReadingKETCHUM, Idaho (AP) – Officials in central Idaho say the vole population appears likely to spike this year due to a mange epidemic that wiped…
Continue ReadingAn Idaho pastor who was shot eight times outside his church’s parking lot has reassured church-goers that he’s OK and will be back soon.…
Continue ReadingCHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) – More people are leaving Wyoming than are coming to the state because of the thousands of jobs being lost in the fossil…
Continue ReadingIt’s Easter weekend and the best way to celebrate is with some Easter egg hunts. The fourth annual Easter Egg Hunt was held at Community Park…
Continue ReadingIf you like shopping around under one roof with many choices, Saturday was the final day of the 2016 Spring Fair. It happens once every Spring inside…
Continue ReadingIt’s a homecoming a first-grader in Blackfoot will never forget. A soldier who’s been serving overseas surprised his daughter at school…
Continue ReadingH.S. BASEBALL Bucks Bags TournamentSkyline 0**Pendleton, OR 1 **Skyline 4 Jerome 2 Burley 1**Pocatello 9 **Caldwell 3 Hillcrest 1 Borah 12**Hillcrest…
Continue ReadingTwo mountain lion kittens found orphaned in January in southeast Idaho were moved earlier this month to a nature preserve in the mountains of North…
Continue ReadingIdaho Governor Butch Otter has signed a bill allowingconcealed carry of firearms in city limitsFriday afternoon. SB-1389 allows Idahoans who are 21…
Continue ReadingCleaning up your garden after the long winter can help the community look like a better place. In fact, the City of Pocatello is accepting more…
Continue ReadingNow that Spring has sprung, you’ll probably want to be outside more, and even gardening more. Experts have advice on what you should and should…
Continue ReadingGov. Butch Otter has signed HB 524, which mandates a first offense felony penalty for the torture of a companion animal and requires a psychological…
Continue ReadingThe city of Idaho Falls is having a community conversation on snow removal next week. City officials will be in the City Council Chambers to hear…
Continue ReadingBonneville County Sheriff’s Office detectives are investigating a forced entry at Sportsman’s Warehouse at 2909 S. 25th East. Sgt. Bryan…
Continue ReadingWyoming Game and Fish confirms an unusual wolf kill on a herd of elk near Bondurant. It happened on the McNeil Feedground on the Bridger Teton…
Continue ReadingThe Power County Sheriff’s Office is investigating an accidental shooting case that occurred Thursday afternoon. At around Noon Thursday the…
Continue ReadingHouse lawmakers have killed the proposal to expand Medicaid in Idaho on the final day of the 2016 legislative session. Lawmakers rejected the newly…
Continue ReadingBrigham Young University-Idaho will gradute 2,102 students at Winter Semester Commencement Friday, April 8. Elder Ronald A. Rasband, a member of the…
Continue ReadingIn a press release today The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that it will hold an open house for a new temple in Afton, Wyoming…
Continue ReadingA Fort Hall man is being held on a number of charges after a disturbance on Teakwood Avenue shortly after midnight Friday morning. Pocatello Police…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls Police arrested 22-year-old Terrence M. Walsh for multiple crimes after he unlawfully entered a residence in 500 block of Highland…
Continue ReadingIdaho’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate held steady at 3.9 percent in February. It is the third consecutive month Idaho’s…
Continue ReadingH.S. BASEBALLBucks Bags Tournament**Skyview 9 Blackfoot 4 **Capital 11 Idaho Falls 7 **Skyline 19 Kuna 1 F/5 Inn. **Captial 12 Hillcrest…
Continue ReadingApparel entrepreneurship has joined the list of degrees offered by Brigham Young University-Idaho. The Bachelor of Science will be a collaboration…
Continue ReadingA local bakery is open again just in time for Easter weekend. Geraldine’s Bakery and Deli in Chubbuck is back open for business.…
Continue ReadingFeed America reports five million senior citizens age 60 and older face hunger. Blackfoot Mayor Paul Loomis signed a proclamation Thursday that…
Continue ReadingThe American Legion is the largest veterans’ service organization in the U.S., but their membership numbers are decreasing. Thursday, legion…
Continue ReadingIdaho State Police are investigation the cause of a multiple vehicle crash at milepost 72 near Pocatello. According to ISP Jack Dalton, 68, of Idaho…
Continue ReadingThe Fremont County Sheriff’s Office has arrested Keri A. McCormack and Destiny Babineau on multiple charges including delivery of a controlled…
Continue ReadingThe Bonneville County Planning and Zoning Commission has approved a use agreement for the new District 93 high school. The building will be located…
Continue ReadingIdaho Falls Police arrested 23-year-old Ryan K. Kreimann-Duane on a warrant for fraudulent use of a financial card and possession of stolen property…
Continue ReadingInterstate 15 was blocked shortly after 3 p.m. Wednesday after a 2003 Peterbilt semi-truck loaded with fresh potatoes tipped over. According to Idaho…
Continue ReadingH.S. BASEBALL**Central (Grand Junction, CO) 7Bonneville 3 F South Fremont 3**Rigby 13 F/6…
Continue ReadingA pickup driver who crashed into three cars, is on the run, Idaho Falls police say. Police say it happened on 1000 block of South Boulevard.…
Continue ReadingIn her kitchen, Dolores Face pulls out a pile of papers from a manila envelope. The contents of the pile include newspaper clippings, old school…
Continue ReadingTwenty-two immigrants from 14 countries took the Oath of Allegiance and became U.S. citizens Wednesday afternoon at the Pocatello Courthouse. The…
Continue ReadingCity representatives traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with members of the Idaho congressional delegation to discuss issues affecting eastern…
Continue ReadingRigby attorney David Brown will be a candidate for Jefferson County Prosecutor. Brown is a former deputy prosecutor, a graduate of Ricks College,…
Continue ReadingDemocratic party leaders across the state are still looking at the caucus’ attendee numbers in surprise, with many counties seeing larger than…
Continue ReadingSenator Mike Crapo joined city officials as Montana and Idaho Community Development to announced construction of a new Rexburg mixed-use development…
Continue ReadingA large crowd at the Sho-Ban Event Center in Fort Hall delayed the start of the Democratic Caucus. People were still coming in at 7:30 p.m., even…
Continue ReadingStemming from the tragedy in Brussels Tuesday, the Pocatello Regional Airport weighed in on how they maintain vigilance on their security. Airport…
Continue ReadingTeachers at Jackson Hole High School are taking a new approach to teaching. Instead of students following the teachers, teachers are following the…
Continue ReadingIt’s spring and that means construction season. Construction to put in a new water line along Northgate Drive in Pocatello started last week.…
Continue ReadingYour Social Security number, your credit card information, where you live: This is all information that can be easy for scammers to get. The…
Continue ReadingThe investigation into the death of David Alma Giles is nearly completed. Idaho Falls Police now say that Giles grabbed the Jefferson County…
Continue ReadingUpdate 12:30 pm: Mormon church officials say they’ve found a fourth missionary who was traveling with three others who were seriously wounded…
Continue ReadingTeton County and the Town of Jackson have canceled meetings with the recently created firefighters union scheduled for today. Negotiations were…
Continue ReadingThe Idaho Falls Civic Auditorium and the Idaho Falls Arts Council may soon have a closer working relationship if an agreement is made by the City…
Continue ReadingBobbie Branch has been involved with the housing authority board for the past nine years and she’s been the board’s chair for the last…
Continue ReadingHow well did the city of Pocatello do in its public service efforts last year? That’s one question the city is hoping to have answered after it…
Continue ReadingWhile many people are happy to see spring arrive, seasonal allergies for millions of Americans have kicked in. According to the American Academy of…
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