Driving carefully to avoid potholes
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) — Now that the snow is melting, people might start noticing more potholes on the road. AAA Idaho shared some ways to avoid them.
AAA Spokesperson Matthew Conde says we will be going through a freeze-thaw cycle for a while. That means water gets into the cracks on the road during the day, then freezes and expands — creating potholes in only a few days.
Conde recommends driving carefully through standing water because potholes might be hiding under the surface, and look out for what drivers in front of you are doing...
"If you're seeing a lot of brake lights, if you're seeing other vehicles adjusting their position in a lane, it might be an indicator to you that there's an obstruction of some kind in the road," Conde said.
Conde says if you can’t avoid a pothole, try to drive through it straight and slow. Never swerve into another lane to avoid a pothole.
Highway districts try to fill potholes as soon as they can, but it can take a while since there are more this time of year.