How to protect yourself from sunburns
It’s been instilled in our heads since the 1960s, to have that glowing tan complexion.
And some of us will do anything for it, even sitting in the sun, in harms way of UVA and UVB rays that can cause sunburns. It’s simply bad for you.
“Tanning is just as bad as smoking a cigarette.” said Dr. Lindsay Sewell, a dermatologist in Idaho Falls.
Eastern Idaho and western Wyoming are at a higher risk of of UVA and UVB exposure than most of the United States due to our high altitude.
For every 1,000 feet in elevation, there is a 4-percent increase in exposure to UVA and UVB light.
Dr. Lindsay Sewell says that staying in the shade is the best option if you have to be outside.
Also wearing sun protective clothing with a UPF of 50.
Sunscreen is also helpful but you need to reapply it every two hours and every hour if you perspire or swim.
Dr. Sewell says taking a multivitamin gives you the same amount of vitamin D as baking in the sun. That is definitely a safe option.