Solar eclipse planning, human waste disposal
As planning for the eclipse continues, knowing what to do with waste is another big concern.
With hundreds of thousands of people expected to come to the area, Bonneville County agencies and public health came together Wednesday to figure out to regulate how people dispose of their waste during the days leading up to the total solar eclipse.
Places like Blacktail and Palisades are expected to be hit hard with traffic. Campsites, RV sites, yards and farms will be crowded with people come August, so officials are trying to find out the best ways to enforce proper disposal. Using permits and septic tanks were discussed, as well as having certain areas self-contain their own waste for a few days.
“For what would be these temporary locations if individuals are looking at opening up their farm fields for what would be temporary RV locations or maybe even tent sites, we want to make sure that the waste they generate there is going to be contained and then properly disposed of,” said Kellye Eager, who is the environmental health direct at Eastern Idaho Public Health.
“It is an important part of the planning to plan for when you have a volume of people for all the options ranging from potter potties to ambulances in the spectrum,” Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Kevin Casper said.