Police report rash of credit card fraud
Pocatello Police say they are seeing a large number of victims of fraudulent credit card accounts this month.
Police say there are some basic steps victims should take to clear up an account and your credit history.
First, immediately contact the fraud department for the unauthorized account to have the account closed.
Use the number from the credit card issuer’s website – NOT one you received via email, phone call or letter.
Check your credit report to catch any other fraud.
File a police report. The police report will be critical in getting the accounts closed and removed from your credit report. If you haven’t lost any money, you can file an on-line report with the Pocatello Police department.
Dispute fraudulent accounts with each credit bureau. Send a copy of your police report and ID Theft affidavit to the bureaus as proof that the fraudulent accounts aren’t yours.
Add a fraud alert or security freeze to your credit report to protect your credit from future attacks