Thursday rains un-do Madison road repairs
Thursday rain storms destroyed much of the flood repair work completed by Madison County Road and Bridge crews this week.
Madison County Emergency Operations Officer, Madison Fire Chief Corey Child said about 200 miles of county roads are affected. The roads are so saturated with rainwater that repair crews have been directed to stay off of them until Monday.
Madison County has a designated $20,000 road repair budget. It has spent $200,000 so far and can expect to spend at least that much again when crews are allowed in to the area.
County Commissioners requested and received emergency assistance from the state of Idaho earlier this week. That declaration will pay for about half the repair cost.
Flooding within Rexburg city limits has, so far, been relatively mild. Child said there were two or three low-lying areas that experienced some runoff problems, but so far there are no reports of significant property damage.