School bus driver braids hair of little girl who lost her mom
A school bus driver is being credited for going above and beyond for one of her young riders.
Over the years young Isabella Pieri relied on her father to teach her how to take care of herself, after her mother died.
Currently, Isabella does her best and gets ready all by herself.
However, one morning as children were getting off the bus, Isabella noticed her bus driver Tracy Dean, fixing a classmate’s braid and got the courage to ask if she would braid her hair too, KSL reported.
“It makes me feel like she’s a mom pretty much to me,” Isabella said. “And it makes me excited for the next day to see what she does.”
Dean said, her own health issues came to mind when she took the opportunity to lend a motherly helping hand.
“Seven years ago, I found out I had breast cancer, and that’s one of the things that went through my head – who is going to take care of my little ones?” said Dean.
Now, Dean styles each girl’s hair almost every morning, according to the report.
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