Wyoming official calls for Endangered Species Act reform
The deputy director of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department appeared before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Thursday. John Kennedy provided testimony on the role of states in wildlife management, conservation and species recovery activities.
Kennedy detailed Wyoming’s efforts to successfully manage hundreds of wildlife species. Kennedy said the state played a key part in what he called “the biggest conservation success story in North America,” the Greater Yellowstone grizzly bear.
“The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has invested enormous fiscal and personnel resources to monitor and manage the grizzly bears over a period of decades. Since 1980, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has invested over $50 million in grizzly bear recovery – more than any other single entity.”
Kennedy also pushed for reform of the Endangered Species Act and recent court decisions re-listing the grizzly bear. “The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has invested enormous fiscal and personnel resources to monitor and manage the grizzly bears over a period of decades,” said Kennedy. “Since 1980, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has invested over $50 million in grizzly bear recovery – more than any other single entity.”