EIRMC aids safety prep for parent drivers
The Eastern Idaho Medical Center jump started a program to help emergency responders identify children in the event their parent are guardian is severely hurt or unconscious due to a car accident. The program is called WHALE and stands for “We Have a Little Accident.
“It happens more than you would think,” said trauma nurse coordinator Melonie Frasure. “I’ve had EMT’s wanting more information because they have had recent issues with this, dealing with kids that maybe didn’t even belong to that child care provider.”
Parents are provided with a WHALE packet. Inside is a informational form that’s about the size of an index card. The form provides room for a picture of your child, identifiable information, medical history and emergency contacts. The form slides into a clear pocket that goes behind the car seat, along with a sticker that can be placed in the window for paramedics to see.
“As a parent it’s really hard to think that my child would be in an accident and I couldn’t help them. For me this is a great insurance that I can plan ahead,” said Frasure
The program is funded by the Idaho Transportation Department and poses no cost for participants. Those interested in the program can pick up a WHALE starter packet at the EIRMC trauma center or go to http://eirmc.com/service/whale-program for more information.