Want to be Bonneville County prosecutor? Apply now
Bonneville County has a limited amount of time to chose a new prosecutor.
Current Prosecutor Bruce Pickett will resign Jan. 4 to start his duties as district judge.
The mid-term resignation means the Bonneville County Republican Committee must choose and vet up to three candidates applying for the prosecutor spot.
Candidates for the position must submit an application to the chairman by Tuesday.
To be considered you must be a resident of Bonneville County, a registered Republican and a member of the Idaho State Bar.
Those wishing to hold the office must be nominated and seconded by precinct committeemen.
“So far we haven’t seen a lot of interest expressed,” said Bonneville County Republican Chairman Doyle Beck on Thursday. “we’ve had one application. We hope to have more so we have a variety, but if we only have one, that’s what we’ll work with.”
On Thursday, all committeemen will be given a ballot where they will mark their first, second and third choices.
The final decision will be made by the county commissioners.
The party can be reached at (208) 528-0800.