Idaho Falls wants public comment on water plan
The city of Idaho Falls is in process of adopting a water facilities plan to improve the growing infrastructure of the city and they want your feedback.
Their goal is to make sure you have adequate water now and projecting water usage in the future.
“It’s a road map for us. It tells us where we are at currently, where we anticipate us being in 5, 20, perhaps even 40 years though thats a long ways out,” says David Richards, the Idaho Falls water division superintendent.
When it comes to growing cities, water usage is a priority for the public works department.The water facilities plan is currently in a two week public comment period.
The city says conservation, paired with efficient wells and pumps, will provide adequate water for the Idaho Falls area.
“By and large it’s a mental state that people need to get into,” says Richards. “When you’re using the tap, make sure you turn the tap off if you aren’t actually using the water. Make sure you repair your leaks if you have leaks inside your house.”
The plan recommends how to create efficient water ways and how to handle rate changes without hurting homeowners.
“It looks at the existing needs of the water division, then based off of those needs and future growth patterns it makes recommendations for future projects,” says Richards.
The city is one of the largest consumers, in house audits will occur to regulate how the city is conserving water. Meters will also be installed on the largest non-residential consumers.
The Idaho Falls water division would like your feedback on the plan. You can find a link to the water plan and public comment website here.