Idaho GOP moves to early presidential primary
The Idaho Republican party announced Tuesday that it will move the early presidential primary from May to March 8, but just the presidential.
Eyewitness News anchor Todd Kunz asked Steve Yates, the chairman of the Idaho GOP, why they are doing this.
“Greater participation was the objective number one. Objective No. 2 was to make sure Idaho remained relevant in the presidential process nationally. We’re going to have 32 states who will choose their nominee from their state by March 15. So by having it on March 8, we are in the middle of the pack in terms of being able to be a state that is relatively early and saying who we prefer the nominee of the Republican party to be,” said Yates
Yates said by having a primary instead of a caucus, it would allow members of the military, first responders, the elderly and infirm to participate. All other federal, statewide, and local primary election races will still be held during the regular primary, May 17.