Sheriff’s department sends dive team to help control weeds
Bonneville County Weed Control is teaming up with the Bonneville County Sheriffs Department to take care of a noxious and invasive weed.
Flowering Rush is a evasive plant that has been found at Gem Lake and the Woodville canal area.
In a follow up to last years effort, Bonneville County Sheriff’s Department is strapping on their air tanks and are carefully removing the plant from the lake. The team hopes to gain control over the plant before it can affect homeowners and farmers.
“This is one of the worst aquatic plants we have. This will choke out your Cattails, it will choke out all of the vegetation you want around the pond,” says Jeffrey Pettingill, Superintendent for Bonneville County Weed Control. “If you think it’s a pretty plant, don’t pull it and put it in your pond. That’s number one thing you can do. Second of all if you find this and you’re not sure what it is, we will come and work with you to identify it. If you have the problem, we will work with you to reduce the impact, if not get rid of it completely.”
Bonneville County Weed Control plans to spray herbicides in the Woodville canal area in the next few weeks.