Idaho Fall’s 7th annual Idaho Aviation Expo gets underway Friday
If you are a pilot or are interested in aviation as a career path, then there’s a great event for you this weekend. The Idaho Aviation Expo is Friday and Saturday in Idaho Falls put on by Aero Mark and the Idaho Aviation Association.
“It is an aviation trade show for pilots and those interested in aviation careers or learning to fly,” said Thomas Hoff, the vice president of Aero Mark.
From plane parts to information on flying and different types of planes — this will be a one stop shop for the aviation fanatic.
“It features new airplanes and educators and workshops and speakers from all over the country that come to talk about various aviation subjects,” Hoff said.
And one of the keynote speakers will be Lori MacNichol who is said to be one of the best backcountry pilots in the world.
“She taught backcountry flying all over the world, including Indonesia. She trains air force officers in flying in remote locations, and really is one of the best backcountry pilots in the world,” Hoff said.
Admission is $10 at the door or free for Idaho Aviation Association members. The doors open at 10 a.m. on Friday at Aero Mark Inc., 1940 International Way. For more information, contact Hoff at 208-524-1202 or email