District 93 Construction Bond on Tuesday’s ballot
Election time is here again, this time the topics are bonds and levies. Bonneville School District 93 has a Construction Bond up for vote. They want to build a new middle school and they say it won’t cost you more taxes.
“We need these schools so badly, it’s so obvious, I don’t think there’s an argument there,” says Dr. Chuck Shackett.
Bonneville School District is growing fast, which is why the district wants to build a thousand-seat middle school.
“The growth is phenomenal we’re the fourth largest school district in the state and there are 115 school districts and we’re growing at a faster rate than any other district our size,” says Dr. Shackett.
He says building the middle school now is the best choice.
“It will work out perfect because our new thunder ridge high school opens this fall. Once the middle school is built we will have three middle schools feeding three high schools which will really help on boundary issues and things like that.”
And they project it won’t raise taxes.
“It will not raise tax levy rates. We’re doing fine financially, with the market value growth. So please get out and vote.”
If approved the middle school will open in 2021 and be next to Thunder Ridge High School. They also want to fix the roof of Iona Elementary, the parent drop-off at Falls Valley Elementary and have preliminary drafts done for upgrades at Bonneville and Hillcrest.
Here is a list of some levies to be voted on Tuesday:
Aberdeen District #58 $675,000 supplemental levy Firth District # 59 $300,000 supplemental levy Grace District #148 $150,000 supplemental levy Mackay District #182 $75,000 supplemental levy Salmon District #291 $399,000 supplemental levy Shelley District #60 $575,000 supplemental levy Snake River District #52 $750,000 plant facilities levy Soda Springs District #150 $728,000 supplemental levy West Side District # 202 $90,000 supplemental levy