Bond will decide fate of Blackfoot pool
The city of Blackfoot may be saying goodbye to its pool for good. Voters have the option to say yes or no to a $3.9 million bond Nov. 6th. The bond will replace necessary things such as pumps, filters, electrical problems, dome insulation and repair the dome structure. If voters say no, the pool will close permanently Nov. 10.
“We’re having significant issues right now with the mechanics of the pool,” said Blackfoot Mayor Marc Carroll. “And every single day the pool manager goes in and inspects, keeps her fingers crossed we’ll be able to operate through Nov. 10.”
If voters say yes, the pool will still close Nov. 10. The city will not draw money for the pool until a levy election in May. If the levy passes, the pool will stay open. People in the county will pay for the pool operations while people in the city will pay for renovations. If the levy does not pass, the pool will close.
A group called “Save the Blackfoot Pool” says paying for the upgrades to the pool is a way to pay it forward to the next generation.
“It allows us to upgrade the pool and bring it back to standard and bring it back to life, if you will,” said Mike Virtue, former mayor of Blackfoot and spokesperson for Save the Blackfoot Pool. “So those of us paying taxes will pay for that. But it’s generational. So for 20 years in the future people will be able to use that pool effectively.”
The group also says the pool provides many opportunities such as jobs and activities for the youth.
“It also is a great opportunity for our community to say who we are,” Virtue said. “We are a community who supports recreational facilities in our community. It provides opportunities for your youth, etc.”
Whether you are for or against the pool bond, Nov. 6 is your last chance to voice your opinion.
“It’s absolutely important that everybody show up and vote whether you’re voting yes or no,” Mayor Carroll said.
The pool will hold an open swim day Saturday, Nov. 3. Entry will be $2.