Final Idaho Sage-grouse plan released
The Bureau of Land Management has released a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and proposed plan amendments for Greater Sage-Grouse management on Idaho public lands.
BLM claims the amendments better align resource management plans with state conservation plans and strike a regulatory balance.
“We have appreciated the opportunity to work with Governor Otter’s team on a carefully crafted amendment to the 2015 plans,” said Deputy Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt. “We know the successful conservation of the Greater Sage-Grouse requires the shared stewardship vision of the states, private citizens, landowners and federal land management agencies including those within the Department of the Interior.”
In Idaho, the proposed amendments would establish buffer distances corresponding to the state’s three types of habitat management areas; remove the Sagebrush Focal Area designation from the 2015 plans; and adjust objectives for grazing allotments that contain or overlap with sagebrush-steppe habitat. The amendment process also offered an opportunity for the BLM to align its mitigation requirements with those established under Idaho law.
Publication of the FEIS today starts a 30-day protest period, which runs through January 8, 2019. The Governor also has 60 days to review the amendments.
You can view the final EIS here.