Study says senior citizens are lacking confidence behind the wheel
For many senior citizens, getting behind the wheel isn’t the same experience they once had in their youth.
AAA did a study to find out why seniors were hesitant to drive. According to their study, as people get into their seventy’s and eighty’s, they start to self-regulate and limit their driving at night, and during rush hour because they start lacking confidence.
AAA says there are many solutions that might help like talking to an occupational therapist, getting new gadgets for the car like a cushion to sit taller or putting fish-eye mirrors on the side. AAA says being able to drive has a huge health benefit on seniors.
“As people age, we don’t want them to stop driving unless it’s necessary. The reason for that is because we’ve done research to show if people stay in driving mode, their social circles, their hobbies, they keep those things going, it leads to a lot of physical and mental health benefits. So we want people to continue to have their social circles, we want them to be out there living their lives,” said AAA of Idaho public affairs director, Matthew Conde.
AAA, AARP, and others host frequent car clinics where you can bring your car in, and they can make recommendations on how to make it more comfortable for you.