Update: Forest visitors extinguish grass fire in Salmon-Challis National Forest

EDITORS NOTE: This story has been changed from its original version as the National Forest Service corrected its initial post.
UPDATE: MARCH 18, 2025 6:15 PM
SALMON, Idaho (KIFI) - A 1.19-acre fire was quickly extinguished thanks to the actions of forest visitors who reported it and halted its spread, preventing further growth, according to an updated post to the Salmon-Challis National Forest Facebook page.
An engine from the Salmon-Challis National Forest also responded to the grass fire and firefighters were able to declare the fire out the same day.
"Campfires can have consequences. Winter weather does not mean that campfires cannot spread. Fuels are very dry before spring green-up and fires may spread rapidly in low humidity and windy conditions like we experience during winter and spring months on the Forest," the Forest Service writes in their Facebook post.
The agency is asking Idahoans recreating outside in forest service land to remember to "DROWN – STIR – FEEL your campfire to be sure it is DEAD OUT and never leave a campfire unattended."
SALMON, Idaho (KIFI) - An engine and wildland firefighters from the Salmon-Challis National Forest responded to a grass fire over the weekend and declared it out the same day. The 1.19-acre fire along the Salmon River Road #030 had been caused by a campfire, according to a post on the Salmon-Challis National Forest Facebook page.
"Abandoned or unattended campfires like this one can have consequences. Winter weather does not mean that campfires cannot spread. Fuels are very dry before spring green-up and fires may spread rapidly in low humidity and windy conditions like we experience during winter months on the Forest," the Forest Service writes in their Facebook post.
The agency is asking Idahoans recreating outside in forest service land to remember to "DROWN – STIR – FEEL your campfire to be sure it is DEAD OUT and never leave a campfire unattended."