Police investigate neighborhood burglaries

AMMON, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - The Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office is investigating reports of attempted burglaries in various neighborhoods in the Ammon area.
From the reports and neighborhood video police have seen, it appears at least two suspects dressed in blue winter clothing were checking vehicles and residential doors and taking various items from those that were unlocked.
Despite the cold weather, the sheriff's office says activity like this is common especially during busy holiday weekends when people travel away from their residences and have valuables in their vehicles from shopping.
The biggest deterrent from this type of activity is making sure your vehicles, doors and windows are locked at all times.
From past experience and these most recent calls, Bonneville County deputies have found that most suspects quickly move through neighborhoods and parking lots only stopping at unlocked vehicles and buildings to check for valuables.
"Utilizing yard lighting to illuminate the areas of your property can prevent a burglar from attempting to make a concealed entrance into your garage, house or vehicle," the sheriff's office said in a press release. "It’s also good practice to keep valuables and merchandise out of view or hidden in the trunk or other difficult to reach areas of a vehicle or building. Security systems like video doorbells, cameras, and alarms are also a deterrent and should be checked and tested on a regular basis."
"In all of our neighborhoods throughout Bonneville County, we encourage everyone to communicate with their neighbors and watch out for each other. You and your neighbors know better than anyone what belongs in your area and what looks out of place, especially when you frequently talk to each other. Know the non-emergency contact numbers and information to your local Law Enforcement agency and always report suspicious activity when its happening, whether it’s in a residential neighborhood, outlying county area, or commercial and retail buildings or parking lots."
In Bonneville County, you can report criminal or suspicious activity by calling the non-emergency number to dispatch at 208-529-1200, or for emergencies by dialing 911.
If you have information or knowledge of criminal activity, you can always contact dispatch to speak with a deputy or report anonymously through Crimestoppers by calling 208-522-19183, or online at www.ifcrime.org.