2 arrested during search warrant regarding stolen vehicle

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - On Friday, Idaho Falls Police officers received information that a vehicle reported as stolen from Boise may be located on 8th Street in Idaho Falls.
An IFPD officer had stopped the vehicle earlier in the day on a traffic stop before the vehicle had been reported as stolen. When the vehicle was reported stolen, the Boise Police Department identified the vehicle had been stopped earlier in the day and notified IFPD the vehicle may be in the Idaho Falls area.
Officers searched for the vehicle and located it in a driveway of a residence on the 600 block of 8th Street at approximately 10:30 p.m.
Officers were able to see through the windows that Jamie Nicoletti and Matthew Edmisson, who had been in the vehicle earlier in the day during the traffic stop were located inside the residence.
Nicoletti was driving the vehicle when it was stopped earlier in the day by Idaho Falls Police Officers and was identified as the suspect in the stolen vehicle report.
Officers watched Nicoletti and Edmisson through the windows, while an additional officer knocked on the front door. The officer announced he was from the Idaho Falls Police Department.
Through the window, officers observed Nicoletti respond by closing the bedroom door softly and attempting to hide from officers, eventually hiding under the covers on the bed where Edmisson was also located at that time.
An Idaho Falls Police officer looking through a window was able to observe drug paraphernalia with what appeared to be heroin residue on a window sill. The officer photographed the drug paraphernalia, and upon seeing this, Nicoletti retrieved the paraphernalia and returned to her position under the blanket on the bed.
Officers obtained a search warrant to enter the residence and take Nicoletti, and possibly Edmisson, into custody. While working to obtain the search warrant, an Idaho Falls Police officer was able to locate a phone number for Nicoletti and sent her text messages advising he was a police officer, he was outside and he needed to speak with her.
Officers witnessed Nicoletti using her phone but she did not respond to the messages.
Nicoletti eventually exited the residence of her own volition and was taken into custody. When asked about Edmisson being in the house, Nicoletti denied that Edmisson was inside and denied knowing where he was, despite officers’ knowledge that he was inside the residence.
After obtaining the search warrant, officers executed a search of the residence. Officers knocked on the door and directed Edmisson to come to the door, but he did not do so. Officers opened the door and again directed Edmission to exit the residence, but he did not do so. Officers entered the
residence and located Edmisson inside the residence where he was taken into custody.
Idaho Falls Police Officers searched the residence and found various items of drug paraphernalia, including dozens of uncapped and used syringes with exposed needles. Officers also found several syringes loaded with what appeared to be liquid methamphetamine, spoons with chunks of what appeared to be heroin. These items were located in multiple areas including near/on Nicoletti’s belongings and on the basement landing where Edmisson was located. Both Nicoletti and Edmission exhibited physical signs of recent drug use.
Jaime Nicoletti, a 32-year-old Idaho Falls resident, was arrested for felony possession of stolen property, two counts of felony possession of a Controlled substance, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and misdemeanor resisting or obstructing arrest.
Matthew Edmisson, a 33-year-old male, was arrested for two felony counts of possession of a controlled substance, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia and misdemeanor resisting or obstructing arrest.
Both Nicoletti and Edmisson were taken to the Bonneville County Jail.
The stolen vehicle was seized and is in the process of being returned to the owner.