Police Chief Guiberson’s unmarked car stolen from home

POCATELLO, Idaho (KIFI/KIDK) - One local public official was the subject of a recent car burglary.
Chubbuck Police Chief Bill Guiberson's unmarked police car was stolen from his home on Oct. 29. Pocatello police retrieved the car later that morning on Thursday.
"Somebody came in and stole the Police Chief's car," said Chubbuck Mayor Kevin England. "Now, that's an unmarked car, so good chance whoever took it didn't realize that it was a police vehicle."
Mayor England says that car burglaries have been trending in the area.
"This is one experience that has affected us right at home, but we are having experiences throughout the area in Pocatello and Chubbuck of vehicles being broken into and either the vehicle stolen or things from the vehicle stolen," England said.
Mayor England also says the Chubbuck Police are cautioning everyone to watch out for their belongings and lockup their empty cars.
"That’s the message that our police have been trying to get out to people," England said. "To know that there are some untoward things happening out there and to take precautions to protect your property.Â
Both the Chubbuck and Pocatello Police Departments are currently investigating the theft and other car burglaries that have happened in the neighborhood.
"Many times when these kinds of things happen, the perpetrator can’t keep it to themselves and shares it with a friend or a neighbor or relatives," England said. "So, if somebody has some information, we would appreciate them letting us know."
You should contact Chubbuck police at 208-237-7172 with any new information regarding the investigation.