TCSD #1 surpasses 100,000 meals served

JACKSON, Wyo. (KIFI/KIDK) - Teton County School District #1 announced this week it served its 100,000th free meal since March 2020.
Meals are provided to children under the age of 19 at all schools.
Any children not attending schools can pick up meals Monday through Friday at the Jackson High School west entrance from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Meal delivery is also available on Fridays at 10 different locations within Teton County.
“TCSD #1 has provided the children of Teton County the comfort to know meals are available at no cost during the crazy time of uncertainty,” Food Services Director Wes Clarke said.
TCSD provides special recognition to the USDA and our generous community for ensuring all children have access to healthy meals during this challenging time.