Rigby FFA earns national championships

RIGBY, Idaho (KIFI) - Rigby FFA members joined nearly 70,000 other participants at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN last week.
The chapter was recognized for achievements in the National Chapter Awards program; Farm Business Management, Agricultural Communications, and Environmental Natural Resources career development events; National FFA Proficiency Awards program, the Agriscience Fair, and six members earned the American FFA Degree.
3 Star Gold National Chapter
The National Chapter Award Program recognizes FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. Rigby FFA improved chapter operations using the National Quality Chapter Standards and a Program of Activities which emphasized growing leaders, building communities, and strengthening agriculture. Rigby FFA received a gold rating by the Idaho FFA association and earned National FFA 3-star rating, which is accomplished by about 2% of FFA chapters in the nation. Ember Mendoza, chapter president, and Lindzy Christensen, past chapter president, accepted the recognition.
National Proficiency Finalists
Tad Nelson was selected as the national champion in the Landscape Management proficiency award area through an application and interview process. Tad was recognized for skills developed establishing and operating a lawn care business. Tad is the son of Keith and Karie Nelson of Menan and is a 2021 graduate of Rigby High School.
Brigham Nelson was selected as the national runner up in the Turfgrass Management proficiency awards program. Brigham earned this recognition by developing skills to manage a turfgrass business. Brigham is the son of Greg and Becky Nelson of Menan and is a 2021 graduate of Rigby High School.
Porter Hanson was selected as the national runner up in the Forage Production proficiency awards program. He has been producing and marketing alfalfa hay for three years. He is the son of Clinton and Shelby Hanson of Rigby and a 2021 graduate of Rigby High School.
Emily Cook was selected as the national champion in Plant Systems, Division 1. Her project was to compare using various household product to extend the life of cut flowers. She prepared a written application and went through a series of interviews. Emily is the daughter of Brian and Rayanne Cook of Rigby.
Tymber Billman earned recognition as the 4th high individual in the Animal Systems, Division 1. Tymber’s project compared invitro fertilization verses embryo transfer in beef cattle. She is the daughter of Steve and Alicia Billman of Rigby.
National Gold, 2nd in the nation was the Farm and Agribusiness Management Career Development team. This event tested the ability of students to apply economic principles and concepts in analyzing farm and ranch business management decisions. Participants responded to questions concerning farm business management as well as a problem-solving analysis. All team members received a national gold award. Team members were Brigham Nelson – 5th high, Isaac Hanson – 8th high, Tad Nelson – 10th high, and Ben Wells – 11th high. The team was sponsored by Northwest Farm Credit Services. Bayer, John Deere and NAU Country Insurance sponsors the event.
National Gold, 7th in the Nation was the Agricultural Communications career development event team. Participants in the event work as a team of communication consultants to develop a written media plan, present the plan to a panel of judges, and, as individuals, apply what they have learned during practicums, a quiz and editing exercise. Each team member specialized in journal writing, opinion editorials, web page design, and creating videos. The team was sponsored by McCain Foods. The event was sponsored by Bayer and Osborn Barr Paramore.
The Environmental Natural Resource career development event team earned National Silver recognition. Competitors interpret data, use measuring devices in the field and work through real-life scenarios involving environmental threats. Team members demonstrated skills relevant to identification, GPS navigation, soil science, water management and wildlife conservation. The team produced written statements and presented solutions to an environmental issue. The team member who received National Gold was Levi Smuin. Receiving National Silver were Brianna Bohney, John “Mack” Poole and Korby Lindsey. The team was sponsored by the Idaho Forest Products Group. The event was sponsored by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and Wrangler.
The American FFA Degree was presented to six Rigby FFA members. The American FFA Degree is awarded at the National FFA Convention & Expo each year to less than one percent of FFA members, making it one of the organization’s highest honors. It demonstrates the effort FFA members apply toward their supervised agricultural experience, outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement they exhibited through their FFA experience.
Recipients were: Becka Finn, Audrey Godfrey, Kaylie Holloway, Landon Smith, Luke Smith, and Logan Thornley.