Sheriff: Missing Bonneville County man found in backcountry

UPDATE Dec 10, 2024, 12:05 p.m.: IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) — Bonneville County Sheriff's Office reported Tuesday that Matthew Godfrey was found stranded in the backcountry area of Bonneville County. He was taken to the hospital for treatment. No other details were released.
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KIFI) - Bonneville County Sheriff's Office is looking for Matthew H. Godfrey, 43, who has been missing since Friday.
The sheriff's office said Godfrey didn't return home Thursday evening, and his family is concerned because he didn't take his phone or personal belongings with him, which is unusual for him.

Godfrey was last seen around 2 p.m. purchasing items in the drive-thru of Tobacco Connection on 17th Street in Ammon. He was driving his blue 2002 Dodge pickup with Idaho License Plate 8BFP878. They said he may have his small gray dog with him.
Godfrey is described having brown hair, brown eyes, approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall and around 210 pounds.

Anyone with information or know of his whereabouts should call the Bonneville County Sheriff's Office through dispatch at 208-529-1200. You can also report anonymously online at East Idaho Crime Stoppers at