Idaho State Law Library reopens June 1

BOISE, Idaho (KIFI) - The Idaho State Law Library in Boise will reopen June 1 after a 14-month closure due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Idaho Supreme Court ordered Friday.
The library has been closed since March 30, 2020, “for public safety and to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus,” the Court wrote in its previous closure order.
“Since the issuance of this order, vaccines for COVID-19 have now become available throughout the state of Idaho. In addition, the incidence rate of COVID-19 in the state has been reduced,” the order states.
The library is established in Idaho Code for the use of the courts and members of the Idaho State Bar. It currently sits on the second floor of the Idaho Law & Justice Learning Center, 514 W. Jefferson St. in Boise.
The Court’s current and previous order can be found on its website under “State Judicial Emergency Orders Regarding COVID-19.”